Dog gate Volkswagen

Delivery time: 1-2 weeks.

from 629.00
Prices are calculated with VAT 25,5%. Price including VAT might vary slightly in the shopping cart depending of the VAT rate of your country.

Customer ratings for Dog gate Volkswagen

Number of ratings: 23
Average rating: 4.7
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This is perfect
from on 02/12/2024
It is my second dog cage. Works perfect.
Bra grindar
from on 10/27/2022
Robusta och bra grindar. Kräver ingen åverkan på bilen. Beskrivningen kunde varit lite utförligare, annars lättmonterade.

Glad över att ha hittat grindar till min Golf plus som inte kräver att jag borrar i bilen. Bra köp!
Bra grindar
from on 10/08/2022
Lättmonterade och snabb leverans!

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

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189.00 €
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